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Parkchester, Bronx, New York studio, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments.

Co-op City Apartments For Rent

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Guests says How many rooms in the apartment? 3450 Baychester Ave. - apt for rent - $1600

How many rooms in the apartment? ...
Sher says Is this still available? Email me please 3450 Baychester Ave. - apt for rent - $1600

Is this still available? Email me please [email protected] ...
masterrokie says I would like to view this apartment with and interested to rent it asap. please call me at 3479205150 Craig. 3450 Baychester Ave. - apt for rent - $1600

I would like to view this apartment with and interested to rent it asap. please call me at 3479205150 Craig. ...
Administrator says 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Coop City cooperative apartment with balcony, brand new kitchen and wood floors for rent.Apartment located...3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Coop City apt. for rent at 233 Baychester Ave. - $2400

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Coop City cooperative apartment with balcony, brand new kitchen and wood floors for rent.Apartment located......
Administrator says 1 bedroom Coop City cooperative apartment with balcony, all utilities included, 24-hour security laundry in the basement, heat and...1 bedroom Co-op City apt. for rent at 3410 De Reimer Ave., Apt. 3RD - $1500 mth

1 bedroom Coop City cooperative apartment with balcony, all utilities included, 24-hour security laundry in the basement, heat and......
Administrator says Co-op City Bronx 3 bedroom apartment for rent at Mark Terrace Co-op, 3410 De Reimer Ave., Apt 12D, Bronx, NY 10475$2100/mth.3 bedrooms1...3 bedroom Co-op City apt. for rent at 3410 De Reimer Ave., Apt. 12D - $2100 mth

Co-op City Bronx 3 bedroom apartment for rent at Mark Terrace Co-op, 3410 De Reimer Ave., Apt 12D, Bronx, NY 10475$2100/mth.3 bedrooms1......
estaciab says I need info On Available Apartments for rent or even for sale can u please let me get more information. apartment for Rent or for Sale

I need info On Available Apartments for rent or even for sale can u please let me get more information. ...
Administrator says Rent this 3 bedroom Co-op City apartment for rent located at 3450 Baychester Avenue, Bronx, New York 10475.

3 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom


See...3450 Baychester Ave. - apt for rent - $1600

Rent this 3 bedroom Co-op City apartment for rent located at 3450 Baychester Avenue, Bronx, New York 10475. 3 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom $1600/mth. See......
Guests says I'm interested in this rental property. How can I get more detailed information? 2 bed, 1 bath apt. on McOwen Ave. - $1,250/mth.

I'm interested in this rental property. How can I get more detailed information? ...
Guests says I'm interested in this apartment. How can I get more details?  My contact is Parkchester apartment for rent at 1680 Metropolitan Avenue

I'm interested in this apartment. How can I get more details? My contact is [email protected]. ...